Term Life Insurance Without Medical Exam
John Hancock SmartProtect Term with Vitality provides up to $1,000,000 of term life insurance with a medical exam. There are a number of companies that offer term life insurance without Medical Exam. The difference with the Hancock policy is the rates. Most non medical term policies have rates that are 20% to 40% higher than comparable life policies that do require an exam. The John Hancock SmartProtect plan has both rates that are competitive and plans that are fully underwritten. Rates can go even lower if use the Vitality Program. It gives the insured a free Fitbit. You can be use the Fitbit to track your progress toward a healthy lifestyle. In fact, if you use the Vitality program you can lower your rates even further.
As an example:
A 46 year old male in good health can get $1,000,000 of SmartProtect term for 20 years for only $133 a month. If they use the Vitality program the rate can go as low as $86.75 a month. The rates with Vitality actually come out lower than the most competative life policies that do require an exam. The product is available to anyone age 20 to 60 and policies can be issued in about 3 days after submission of the application.
Please note that this policy does not require a medical exam but it does check on current health. In fact, this is not a guaranteed issue plan, some people will not be approved for a policy. Some companies may not accept people who have major health conditions. You can buy Term Life Insurance Without a Medical Exam. Contact our office if you want a quote or have any questions. Either by Phone- 203-796-5403 or email at Edward@croweandassociates.com
Click the links below for additional information on the policy:
John Hancock SmartProtect Term with Vitality pre qualification form
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