In a memo dated March 20, 2025, CMS withdrawals DST SEP change. CMS announced the withdrawal of the changes to the enrollment process that were set to take place on April 1,2025. In other words, there will be no changes to the DST SEP policy that is currently in place.
Why this is good news
The reversal of this decision is great news for both agents and their clients. Because it takes the burden off of already stressed clients who have had to deal with a weather related or other FEMA declared area emergency. This means, the current SEP will not change. Beneficiaries do not have to self-enroll using 1-800-Medicare to use this SEP.
As per the CMS memo of March 20, 2025, insurance carriers will accept enrollment applications submitted by licensed agents. This helps Medicare beneficiaries avoid both stress and confusion. It also allows agents to ensure the process is completed correctly and in a timely manor.
Medicare DST SEP
The DST SEP is an enrollment election period for qualified Medicare beneficiaries . CMS provides this SEP to those who miss a valid election period due to weather-related emergencies or FEMA declared disasters.
Only areas where state or local government officials declare an emergency or disaster can use this SEP. This SEP starts the date the incident occurs and continues for two months after it starts or the extension period begins. It can be in place for up to a year after the incident.
Please note: Beneficiaries can either enroll in or disenroll from a Medicare plan using the DST SEP. New coverage goes into effect the first day of the month following the submission of the application.
Eligibility for the DST SEP
To qualify for this SEP, the beneficiary must live in the area the disaster occurred in. In addition, they must have missed a valid election period (AEP, IEP or OEP, or an SEP) because of the emergency.
In some cases, individuals use the SEP if they require help from a family member or caregiver who is impacted by a disaster. This can prevent them receiving the assistance they need during an enrollment period.
Watch a quick YouTube video on the changes to DSNP SEPs
A couple more reasons to use the DST SEP: When a disaster causes the inability to access Medicare plan information or submit an application. Another example is; when a disaster impacts a healthcare facility or provider. This can hinder the beneficiary’s access to information necessary to make an informed enrollment decision.
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