UHC OTC Benefits
Over the Counter Benefits from UnitedHealthcare are also called UHC OTC benefits.
For beneficiaries who are eligible for both Medicaid and Medicare, there are many benefits available that are often less utilized than the standard medical and healthcare services. By design, these benefits help those on fixed incomes or low incomes meet their needs and keep their health.
UHC OTC benefits offer more.
Clients who are dually eligible and enrolled in a UnitedHealthcare plan can utilize these benefits as a monthly credit loaded on to their UnitedHealthcare UCard every month. Use to purchase healthy food, over the counter products such as cold medicines, and even utility bills. UnitedHealthcare is currently advertising that their Mom’s Meals benefits works for dually eligible enrollees with their over the counter (OTC) benefit and Renew Active. This means that a member can order healthy meals using the loaded credit on their UCard for home delivery. Those members being discharged from hospitals or from nursing facility stays can also order these for delivery.
In addition to UHC OTC benefits, Mom’s Meals are fully cooked, refrigerated meals that can be easily reheated. Meals are re-heatable. In addition, consist of 28 meals over a 14 day period. There are many dietary specifications available as well, from meals that take renal health into account to gluten-free meals or purees for those with trouble handling solid foods. UnitedHealthcare advertises these meals as helpful for seniors who would like to avoid the hassle of shopping and cooking while still living independently and maintaining good nutrition.
Members who are interested in utilizing this over the counter benefit from UnitedHealthcare need to access their Renew Active portal. Under the “home delivery” tab, there is an option to order Mom’s Meals. Pricing is typically $7.59 per meal with some additional charges for dietary specifications as needed. All of the UnitedHealthcare plans that include Renew Active have access to home delivery of Mom’s Meals.
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