SilverScript SmartRx 2023 PDP Changes for 2023
The SilverScript SmartRx 2023 PDP plan will have some changes. It will be important for Medicare agents to know what is changing and how to quote and compare the plans for 2023. The plan will not pay commission on new sales for 2023. As a result, some quote and comparison sites will not show the plan when running drug comparisons. Read below to learn more.
Name Change
SilverScript SmartRx 2023: Quoting and comparing
The plan not being commissionable for new sales in 2023 creates some challenges for us as agents. The plan will continue to have a very low premium for 2023. Depending on the medication list of clients it may still come out the best for them in 2023. Luckily commissions will still be paid on existing cases. The challenge is quoting and comparing the plan for existing clients. Since the plan will not pay commission for new 2023 sales, it is not on a number of quote and comparison sites. Here is where you can and cannot look to see the plan in 2023:
SilverScript SmartRx 2023: Register for a webinar on Connecture, Sunfire and MyMedicareBot
- Register for Connecture Webinar on Wednesday, October 12th at 1:00 PM
- Register for Sunfire and MyMedicarebot Webinar on Thursday October 13th at 1:00 PM
Medicare.Gov Plan Finder:
In addition to access to Connecture, Sunfire and MyMedicareBot at no cost, Crowe and Associates offers a number of other agents benefits
Click here for agent benefits and programs
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