Chronic Special Needs Plan
What is a Chronic Special Needs Plan? A C-SNP is an acronym that stands for a Chronic Conditions Special Needs Plan. This is a type of Medicare Advantage plan specifically designed for beneficiaries who have a chronic illness or condition. Many of the insurers who provide these plans claim that the purpose of the benefits of a C-SNP is to allow those with the coverage to have improved health outcomes and more flexibility and choice while managing their condition(s).
There are many conditions that qualify beneficiaries for a C-SNP. Some of the more common ones are diabetes, end-stage renal disease, chronic lung diseases, chronic heart failure (or CHF), and cardiovascular disorders. For beneficiaries with diabetes, an endocrinologist will work with their primary care doctor to determine the best course of action. For those beneficiaries with end-stage renal disease, their care team will include their primary care doctor and a nephrologist, or kidney specialist. This specific coverage is available in Connecticut. Those with chronic lung disorders who qualify for a C-SNP will have coverage for oxygen supplies and other medical equipment, and for ongoing care for beneficiaries with heart diseases, a cardiologist will join their individual health care team.
In some parts of the country, there are C-SNP plans that consider a multitude of other conditions for enrollment. Coverage includes some mental conditions. These include schizophrenia, certain autoimmune disorders, dementia, Some neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s, and HIV or AIDS are also included. C-SNP aims to provide better health outcomes for beneficiaries with these specific pre-existing conditions.
Although beneficiaries enrolled in a C-SNP will still have to pay their Medicare part B premiums, they often have access to more services with fewer out-of-pocket expenses. Some of these services can include meal delivery if necessary, prescription drug coverage, transportation to health-related appointments, preventative care such as routine screenings and physicals, dental, vision, and hearing coverage, and even a fitness membership benefit at no additional cost.
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