National General self funded health coverage
In this post we give you some basic information about National General self funded health coverage. The National General offers clients a health benefits solution with a low risk, Self-Funded Program. Clients who choose this self-funded program can experience the advantages of self-funding without the added risk. This is an easy way to lower employer costs while it still gives employees quality health care benefits.
For a quote all you need is a basic census: Company name/ Zip code. For each employee, gender, age and how they are enrolling(EE, ES, EC, FAM). Any current rates/ plan designs are helpful, but not necessary.
The monthly payment amount is decided upfront. The cost is guaranteed not to increase for a full year as long as you do not change either your group’s benefits or enrollment. You will not have to worry about paying claims, customer service or reports. National General self funded health coverage will take care of these things for you. This gives you the time you need to focus on your business. Additionally, stop-loss insurance protects your business in the event your employee claims are higher than predicted. In fact, if your employees claims are lower than your claims account balance, you will receive a refund payment of a portion of the difference.
All employer-established benefit plans are minimum essential coverage. In fact, this means your employees will not be subject to the individual tax penalty. The plan pays 100% of preventive services as recommended by the Affordable Care Act.
1. These plans offer a range of deductible options
2. Coinsurance options are: 100%, 90%, 80% and 50%
3. There are multiple options available for office-visit copays
4. Prescription copay options available
5. COBRA administration provided at no extra cost
6. Urgent-care copay options available
Finally, Clients can access large, national networks, as well as receive discounts for using in-network doctors and hospitals
National General Benefits Solutions Self-Funded Program gives small-business employers a way to establish a self-funded health benefit plan for their employees.
Click here to learn more about National General
National General benefit details
Please note:
This is a benefit plan that is established by the employer. It is not an insurance product.
If you would like to learn more about this product, contact us either by phone at (203)796-5403 or by email at
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