Medicare State Special Elections 2022
There are a number of Medicare state special elections 2022 due to various situations. Most of them are weather emergencies and other FEMA designated emergencies. Below are a list of the most current SEP elections available by state. The emergencies/disasters listed as “open” means they have not yet set an end date for the election. The weather and other SEP’s running through December of 2021 allow clients to make a plan change for the remainder of December for a January 1 start date. The open elections will likely continue into January for February 1 start dates as well.
Medicare State Special Elections 2022
This list is current as of December, 5th 2021. CLICK FOR LIST OF DISASTERS/EMERGENCIES BY STATE
Check the FEMA site for updates and changes CLICK HERE FOR FEMA DISASTER DECLARATION SITE
Using a Medicare State Special Election 2022
Disaster declarations in states due to weather and other events can create a Medicare special election. The special election can allow clients and prospects to make a plan change outside of the normal Medicare elections periods. For example, the states with current disaster declarations can use the SEP to make a plan change for the remainder of December, 2021 for a Jan 1 2022 effective date. A number of the elections are “open” so they may also be available in the month of January.
Keep in mind, the Medicare OEP is also available in January, February and March. During OEP a client can make a change from one Advantage plan to another. They may also move from an Advantage plan back to Original Medicare and add a Medicare Supplement and stand alone drug plan(PDP) if they choose. They may be need to pass through health underwriting to make the move to a supplement in non guaranteed issue states however. (New York, Connecticut, Massachussets and Maine are guaranteed issue states)
Online enrollment through Connecture and Sunfire
Connecture and Sunfire are available to our agents at no cost. Both systems allow agents to compare plans, check doctors and medications and enroll prospects through email and text. A face to face meeting is not required and scope of appointment forms can be obtained via email and text.
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