Oscar Individual Health Plan Contracting
We now provide agents in NY access to Oscar individual health plan contracting. Oscar individual health plans has two plan offerings for 2017 called Simple and Market. Oscar offers the Simple plan at many levels including: bronze, silver, gold, platinum and also secure level. They offer the Market plan at either the bronze, silver, gold or platinum level. Oscar plans are ACA compliant for 2017. Brokers not only receive compensation pay directly but also they receive the pay every month on an as earned basis. A plan for a single enrollee is $8 per month., A couple pays $16 per month, this can include a parent and child. Finally, the family payment is $24 a month.
If would like to be contracted, either send an email to admin@croweandassociates.com, or call us at (203) 796-5403. We will give you instructions that will help you start the contracting process.
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