Medicare Open Enrollment 2020
Medicare open enrollment for 2020 (Medicare OEP) allows Medicare eligible people the ability to move to a different plan. The period is January 1st 2020 through March 31st 2020. This period is often confused with the Medicare Annual Election Period (Medicare AEP). The Medicare AEP is from October 15th through December 7th every year. Any change during the AEP will be effective on January 1. The Medicare OEP works differently.
Changes that you can make during the Medicare Open Enrollment 2020
Two types of plan changes are available during the Medicare OEP. Any change made is effective the 1st of the following month. For example, any change made in January starts on February 1. Any change made in February starts March 1 and March changes start April 1. Unlike the Medicare AEP, there are limited change types available during the OEP. The OEP will allow for the following
- Change from one Medicare Advantage plan to another Medicare Advantage plan
- Change from a Medicare Advantage plan back to Original Medicare and add a Medicare Supplement and Part D drug plan if desired
Changes that are not possible during the OEP
Unlike the Medicare AEP, a change from one stand alone drug plan to another cannot be made during OEP. Further, a change from a Medicare supplement and drug plan to a Medicare Advantage plan is not possible.
Advertising and marketing during the OEP
Brokers/agents are able to make clients aware of the OEP and how it works. They are not able to encourage clients to move from one plan to another however. In other words, they can send clients and prospects information of the OEP and let them know which carriers they work with. They cannot advertise the benefits of one advantage plan over another to encourage clients to make a move. Medicare supplements are not CMS products so they do not have the same rules.
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