How to Recruit Insurance Agents
Learning how to recruit insurance agents is not difficult The basic concept is very simple but the trick lies in figuring out which methods to use. Many agencies use the “a little of everything” approach. That will certainly work but having something different from everyone else works even better.
How to recruit insurance agents: Some advice to start off with
Having a downline of agents has a lot of positives. An agency with productive downline producers is always generating revenue. The more the agency head helps them sell, the more the agency makes. It is one of the best ways to generate constant recurring revenue. So if it is that simple, why doesn’t everyone do it? The simple answer is because it is a whole lot of work. Recruiting agents to work with an agency is the easiest part. Helping them actually sell and be successful is the difficult part. There are so many areas that need to be monitored and worked from a day to day basis that it is hard to list them all. I will list everything in a future blog but for now, trust me when I say there is a lot of work involved.
How to recruit insurance agents: Strategies
There are an endless amount of ways to start looking for agents. Here are a few.
- Online Job sites: Some of the more obvious ones are using any of the job sites such as Indeed or zip recruiter. They are cheap and will get you candidates quickly. They will also get you a majority of people without any experience. That is not a bad thing but will add to the work load when they need to be trained to make it.
- Email marketing: Email marketing is another way to start finding sales people. Email marketing is a more methodical and long term approach. People get a lot of emails and if the ones being sent from your agency looks the same as all the other recruiting emails, it is going to be hard to get noticed. There is also an initial and ongoing expense with email marketing. The lists of licensed agents can be expensive as well as the monthly cost for the email marketing vendor. (examples: Constant Contact, Campaigner, Send Grid, etc…)
- LinkedIn and Face book: Both are cheap and can get you in front of candidates eyes quickly. The challenge will be to offer something more appealing than everyone else recruiting on them.
- Old School word of mouth: Surprisingly, this still works. With so much communication occurring online, it actually seems to work better now than it did 10 years ago. Talk to people about what you are trying to do. Maybe even offer them an incentive to refer people to you. A good contact can still be one of the best sources of new agents. Believe it or not, creating relationships is still one of the best methods.
- Seminars: Use our lead program to defray the cost of hosting a recruiting seminar. We are partnered with one of the industry leaders, bringing in often more than 50+ agents.
How to recruit insurance agents: Offer more than the competition
No matter what you try, building an agency will take time and effort. The best way to grow quickly is to simply offer more value than the agencies you are competing with. A ton of agencies, carriers, FMO’s and NMO’s recruit agents. If you are offering the same thing as them it will be difficult. If you can offer something unique or of greater value to an agent, they will notice you. At the end of the day, it comes down to how much value you provide vs. what everyone else provides.
We help our agencies recruit by giving them a access to a number of benefits they can offer agents. Some of them are pretty standard while others are unique. You need to standard stuff everyone else offers but you need the unique stuff to separate yourself from everyone else. We provide our agencies with a lead program at no cost. Our agencies are able to offer it to their agents at no cost to them or the agents. It is unique in or field (Medicare) and helps them stand out from the competition. Regardless of the type of insurance your agency is providing, work to find something different or better you will give the agents you want to work with you.
Take a look at the programs we give to our agencies to help with recruiting efforts.
CLICK FOR PROGRAMS AND BENEFITS (Including Free Medicare lead program)
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