Empire BCBS Retail Store Locations
Empire BCBS Retail Store Locations at a number of CVS stores will be available for Medicare sales in mid March of 2016. Stores will be available in Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens as well as Westchester counties. Agents must agree to work at the assigned store location for a specified number of hours per week. Although we do not currently have the information about what the minimum required hours will be, will be able to provide that information soon. Multiple Agents can share a location and be assigned to one store. You can divide the days between agents and work together to meet the minimum hour requirements. Every location has a Kiosk available along with plan and enrollment materials.
A list of specific CVS store locations in each county is available upon request. All agents must not only have Errors and omissions insurance but also have an active insurance license in NY. The agent has to have a contract and be certified to sell Empire, BCBS, MAPD and also PDP plans in order to apply for a store. Our agency provides full commission street level contracts to individual producers as well as GA level contracts to agencies. We also provide mail respons leads at no cost in areas where they are available. Applying for a store does not guarantee acceptance at one of the CVS locations.
Interested applicants can either call our office at 203-796-5403 or email Admin@croweandassociates.com
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