ConnectiCare Medicare Contracting
ConnectiCare Medicare contracting is now available through Crowe and Associates. We have the ability to set up both street level agents and general agency contracts with ConnectiCare Medicare. Agents/Agencies receive all compensation pay in full directly from ConnectiCare. General Agents will receive an override on all sub-agent production. The override will be paid to the general agent directly from ConnectiCare. General Agents must also have 5 licensed and certified producers in order to get a GA level contract. We are not able to make exceptions to this rule.
ConnectiCare Medicare Contracting: Agents and Agencies
Agents and agencies already contracted to sell ConnectiCare: Agents and Agencies already contracted to sell ConnectiCare Medicare only need to fill out a 1 page addendum in order to move over to Crowe and Associates. If contracting as a GA, please send the GA addendum and all sub agent addendum forms to us at the same time. (Agencies must have 5 producers in order to get a GA contract). Please call the office for the appropriate sub-agent addendum forms.
Agents and Agencies that are not yet contracted to sell Connecticare Medicare: Agents and agencies that are newly contracting with Connecticare will need to fill out new contracting paperwork and the 1 page addendum. We will also need a copy of your current E and O insurance and insurance license.
ConnectiCare Medicare Contracting: Links to forms
Please send all completed contracting documents to us either by fax at 203-567-6235 or emailed to
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