Cold calling scripts for insurance
Telemarketing for Medicare Supplement sales will require you to have some good cold calling scripts for insurance sales. When you contact potential clients over the phone you will not make a sale if your script makes people hang up on you. Please be aware that; you are not permitted to cold call for either Medicare Advantage or PDP plans. Cold calling is only permitted for Medicare Supplement plan sales.
Medicare call script with best practice tips
Go into the calls knowing it will not be easy most times:
Remind yourself none of these people are expecting your call. This being said; you should prepare yourself for a good number of no thank yous or something less pleasant. You are cold calling people. The best way to succeed is to stay positive and keep at it. There are some people who would like your help in finding a plan. It is very important to practice your phone skills to get you those sales.
This can be an economical way to market, especially when you are getting started:
Truth be told , this is most likely the least expensive way to do your marketing. This is important when you have a limited budget. Below we have listed some things to consider when you are getting started:
You will need to use a call script.
I know this may sound odd but; you do not want to make a call and then stumble on your words. This can make you seem unprofessional and cost you the sale. Try not to sound like you are reading a script try and be natural. This will take a little practice. Ask your friends and family to help with this if possible. Using a script will assure that you do not miss any key items you want to discuss. In the long run it will help you.
Click here for a short Medicare Supplement call script.
View a longer Medicare supplement call script – click here.
If you run into people who give you a run for your money; you may want to look at the following:
Click here for help with Objections and Rebuttles call script.
Here are a couple more call script options:
Medicare sales call script – click here
Need a short T-65 call script – click here
Do your homework when you are choosing a lead list service company to purchase your lists from.
Make sure you check with other agents as to a good lead list service and research your choices. Also be sure you give the lead company as many specific details about who your target audience is. These details should include things such as area, age (if you are going for the T-65 crowd, try and get leads 6 to 8 months before they turn 65) This will put you ahead of your competition. You may also want people in certain income brackets. The specifics are up to you; but figure that out before you buy a list.
To learn more about lead vendors; click here
You may want to consider using a dialer.
The cost of a dialer will be worth it considering how much time and energy it can save you. This will provide the ability to dial many lines at once which will get you in touch with an interested potential client that much quicker. And when you get an interested party, you can concentrate on making the sale.
Crowe and Associates in partnership with Prospect Boss is offering our agents the use of a discounted power dialer.
Make sure you follow up with potential clients.
In most cases, you will need to contact a potential client more than one time to close a sale. This makes it very important to create a follow up system. This will ensure that your efforts are not wasted. It is a good idea to consider using a CRM. A CRM is a customer relationship management tool. This tool will help you keep track of numbers you have called and potential clients, which will make following up that much easier for you. Make yourself a schedule and stick with it. If you let yourself slide it will be very difficult to become successful.
For more information on how a CRM can help you with your business; CLICK HERE
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