CarePartners of Connecticut Medicare Contracting
Crowe and Associates can provided agents and agencies with access to CarePartners of Connecticut Medicare Contracting. CarePartners is going to be offering Medicare Advantage plans in Connecticut for the first time in 2019. They will be utilizing Hartford Healthcare provider network for their plans. We are able to contract street level agents, GA and MGA agencies with CarePartners. All commissions are paid direct from CarePartners of Connecticut to the agent. Both new and renewal commissions are paid direct at full allowable CMS compensation for 2019. General Agents and Master General Agent contract levels will be paid overrides by Pinnacle Financial Services as CarePartners will not be paying them out directly. Tufts Healthplan owns CarePartners of Connecticut in a joint venture with Hartford Healthcare
CarePartners of Connecticut Medicare Contracting -Surebay Contracting
Contracting is done through Surebay online contracting. All levels of contracting can be done through the link below which will automatically be codded to Crowe and Associates as the upline. This includes street, GA and MGA level. IMPORTANT: GA and MGA levels should call our office after contracting to confirm GA or MGA status and provide the names of any sub agents contracted under the agency.
Call our office at 203-796-5403 or email with any questions.
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