Because Medicare agents have a large number of products to choose from when deciding what to sell, we explain why offer Physicians Mutual dental plans in the post below.
Dental products provide necessary coverage not offered by original Medicare. Because poor dental health can lead to serious health issues, regular dental checkups can help avoid health problems down the road.
There are 4 different dental plan options
Each plan provides coverage for over 400 procedures. The difference between the plans is the premium and the amount the plan pays for each covered service. There are plan choices to fit any budget.
All plans provide 100% coverage for preventive treatment at an in-network dentist. This includes; an exam, x-rays and a cleaning.
Take a look at the CT dental Brochure
Please note; There is a 12 month waiting period on major benefits.
All plans use the Ameritas network of providers. There are more than 5000,000 provider locations for member to access. All these plans are PPOs so members can receive out of network coverage for services, but it is always better to use in network providers for the best value.
As you have probably guessed; these plans are the lowest cost plans.
The Economy plans pay 25% of the maximum allowable charge for Basic treatments (fillings) and Major benefits, such as root canals or crowns.
Standard plans are another affordable option for dental coverage. They provide a payment of 40% of the maximum allowable charge for basic and major treatments.
Preferred plans are similar to the other plans. The plan cost is a little more and so is the coverage percentage members receive. These plans provide 55% payment of the maximum allowable charges for basic and major benefits.
The Premier plans are the highest coverage level available at Physicans Mutual. This plan pays 70% of the maximum allowable charge for covered services..
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A few more reasons to offer Physicians Mutual Dental Plans
These plans do not require members to pay a deductible. All preventative benefits are covered at 100% from day 1. One important aspect of this plan is; there is no maximum on cash benefits like other plans. That makes these plans a fantastic value no matter which plan beneficiaries choose.
Watch a video on the Physicians Mutual Dental plans
It is easy for members to add a vision and hearing rider to any plan. Once added members can use any participating provider.
See why you should offer ancillary products to your clients
Eye exams are covered up to $100 per year per member. The vision correction benefit of $150 includes prescription eyeglasses, sunglasses, sports glasses and contact lenses. There is a 3 month waiting period for this benefit. Members use the VSP network of providers to receive a discounted price for eye exams and lenses.
The hearing benefit provides up to $75 per member for covered hearing exams and as much as $500 per hearing aid per ear after a 12 month waiting period.
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