Medicare Supplement Call Script
Medicare Supplement Call Script: In fact, there are a number of ways for agents to market and or prospect for Medicare Supplement sales. Of course, a number of agents still use cold calling as one of those methods. The most important thing to remember when cold calling Medicare supplement prospects is that you cannot cold call Advantage or Part D plans.
Agents must strictly only cold call Medicare Supplement plans. A good call script should be short and to the point and should not sound formal. You are simply calling to see if the prospect wants to learn more about their options. If you call people that are within 1 to 3 months of their 65th birthday, you will have a tough time trying to sign prospective clients. These people are already getting bombarded with both calls and also mail. It is usually more productive to call people that will turn 65 during the next 6 to 12 months. These people are probably not being solicited as much. We include links for both a sample call script and also fact finder in this blog below.
Medicare Supplement Call Script
Sample call scripts are below but calling t-65 prospects for supplements 6-12 month prior to turning 65 is very simple. “Hi, I received your request for information. I am a local agent in the area and I can show you how to sign up for Medicare A and B. I am also going to send you out some helpful information you will need”. Remember to use a DNC compliant call list when making calls. A power dialer can increase the number of prospects you are able to speak with each hour. CLICK FOR DISCOUNTED POWER DIALER
During your call, most clients will also have questions about Medicare Part D drug plans. They may also have interest in Medicare Advantage plans. A scope of appointment form is necessary when if the conversation turns to either type of plan. The link provided will give you access to a generic scope of appointment form that can be used with any company. GENERIC MEDICARE SCOPE OF APPOINTMENT FORM
Agents can either call our office at 203-796-5403 or email us with any questions. Please let us know, if you would like to see different variations of cold calling scripts.
Click here for a sample T65 Medicare Supplement Cold Call Script
Click here to download a Medicare Client Fact Finder Sheet
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