Electronic scope of appointment
There is more than one acceptable way to collect a scope of appointment for a client meeting. You can now use an Electronic scope of appointment for some Medicare client appointments. You can use this eSOA as long as both the agent and client have access to a computer and an email address. Due to the high number of telephonic and online enrollments these days; agents use this tool often. Clients only need a couple minutes to complete the scope. it is very easy to do. CMS accepts the practice of eSOAs.
Please remember: sales agents must keep ALL scopes for a period of 10 years. This is the case weather or not you make the sale.
When an agent enrolls a client directly through our online portal (Connect4medicare) or by a link sent to the client, the client will need to sign an electronic scope of appointment.
Click here to download Medicare scope of appointment form
Before the rule changed in 2019:
Medicare sales agents had to get a signed SOA 48 hours before meeting their client if they wanted to talk about MA or PDP plans. That was not always an easy task as clients did not enjoy having to meet twice just to talk to an agent. CMS still prefers that sales agents get a signed scope of appointment 48 hours in advance, however they accept SOAs that are signed right before a meeting takes place as long as there is a reason for the late signing. Reasons include; walk in clients, or appointments done over the phone.
The purpose of the SOA is to show that sales agent has permission to speak to either the client or potential client about a particular type of plan or plans.
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