Cigna Individual Dental Plans
Cigna Individual Dental Plans offer three plan types: Cigna Preventive Dental, Cigna Dental 1000 and the Cigna Dental 1500. All three plans use the Cigna DPPO Advantage dental network which is one of the better networks for a stand alone dental plan. Plans are available in all 50 states up to any age. The combination of a large network (check out the network here) and low rates makes this one of the best individual dental plans on the market.
Cigna Individual Dental Plans – Broker and agent sales
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Cigna Individual Dental Plans features and rates
When comparing Cigna dental plans rates to other plans, you will find they are very competitive. They have kept rate increases to a minimum over the last 3 years which has left the plan in a very strong position. While there are some other dental plans with similar rates, they have much smaller and restrictive dental networks. The Cigna plan is a PPO which allows members to go in or out of network on the plan. Being able to go out of network is a nice luxury but it come with a price. Using dentists out of network will likely result in a balanced billing situation. This means the dentist will be charging the difference between the Cigna negotiated rate for a service and the rate the dentist usually charges.
Cigna Individual Dental Plans – Rates and benefits
The plan benefits for all three plans are the same in all 50 states. You can review the benefits by looking at the rate sheet. Cigna has waiting periods on their $1,000 and $1,500 dental plans. There is a 6 month wait on basic dental services and a 12 month wait on major services. A unique feature with Cigna is they will waive the waiting periods for those that have maintained coverage for the 12 months prior to starting the Cigna plan. Most individual dental plans will not waive the waiting period even with previous coverage.
Cigna dental plans benefits all states
Plan rates vary slightly from state to state. As a result, we are providing a rate example using rates from CT.
Cigna Individual Dental Plans -Enrollment
People in all states and of any age may enroll in Cigna dental plans. There are not any health questions or requirements to enroll in the plans. As a result, there are no pre-existing conditions exclusions. Members may start in the plan the first of any month throughout the year. Please be aware that the cut off to get into a plan is the 20th of each month for the first of the next month. Those that would like join the Cigna dental plan can simply call Crowe and Associates at 203-796-5403 or email to have an electronic enrollment link sent to you by email. We are able to mail a paper application out to those that would prefer that method of enrollment.
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