Online Medicare Enrollment System-All Plan Types and Companies
This post provides agents with information about the Online Medicare Enrollment System-All Plan Types and Companies
Crowe and Associates will provide agents with an online enrollment system for all Medicare sales in time for 1-1-18 open enrollment. Our system allows agents to enroll prospects into any plan without the need for a face to face meeting, paperwork or wet signature. The process is very simple…
Each agent is provided a log in to the enrollment platform.
They speak with a prospect and determine which plan they want to enroll in. There is no need for a face to face meeting. Once the client and broker determine the specific plan, the broker creates a link that he can email out the the prospect. The link will allow the prospect to enroll only in the specific plan that they have selected. They click the link, provide the needed information and enroll. All enrollments will be coded to a specific broker. The enrollments will be sent automatically to the carrier or up line to be processed.
The agent portal will provide tracking that will show to whom the link was sent as well as the status; such as in process, completed, etc… This system is CMS and carrier compliant. All product lines are available including, Medicare supplements, Medicare Advantage plans as well as Part D Rx plans. In fact, all major carriers are available.
Please note: Agents must be licensed in any state they sell in and must be appointed and certified with any plan they enroll a prospect in. Agents must hold all of Medicare contracts with Crowe and Associates in order to use this system
Crowe and Associates will be offering this enrollment platform at no cost to our agents and agencies. We do not reduce compensation in any way. All contracts are full compensation for street, GA and MGA levels. The producers receive payment directly from the insurance company. Call our office today if you would like more details.
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