Medicare Supplemental Plan Rates
Medicare Supplemental plan rates vary by Medicare provider. There are 10 Medicare Supplement Plan options available. Each plan has different, yet standardized, benefits and coverage. This means that no matter which insurer a client buys from, the benefits of each plan will be the same.
There 10 types of standardized Medigap plans available in 47 states; each plan corresponds with a different letter (such as Plan B). Once clients decide which plan they want, they can compare different companies that offer the same plan and decide which one best suits their needs. For example, if you choose Plan B, clients should look at the prices and any extra options that different companies might have for Plan B. Use the plan comparison form on this page, or visit
However, while the plans are standardized across insurance companies, the Medigap costs can be vastly different. So even though clients will ultimately be getting the same benefits, it pays to shop around for the best price and select the one with the most competitive pricing.
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