Generic Medicare Seminar Presentations
This post will give agents some ideas about Generic Medicare Seminar Presentations.
One of the best ways to grow a client base is Medicare seminar presentations. Presentations should be generic in nature. The goal is to explain Medicare to clients in a clear concise manner. Below are two sample presentations. Both of these examples explain the very basics of Medicare. One is published by Aetna. One is published by United Health Care. These presentations are branded and unless you are presenting that company exclusively, you cannot use the slides verbatim. However, the information is generic and can be used to create your own slides. Be sure that any presentation you create remains CMS compliant.
Click here to download the Aetna Medicare Basics.
Click here to download the United Health Care Presentation.
We have recorded an in house class for your review. This will also help teach you the basics of Medicare. It walks thru how to use a seminar to gain clients. Click here to watch our pre-recorded webinar.
We offer our contracted agents free leads. Click here to learn about our free lead program.
Click here to download the Crowe and Associates Contracting Kit.
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