If you currently have an individual health insurance plan for you and/or your family, you should be aware of which companies currently offer the best rates. For the last few years, Golden Rule (United Healthone) had the best rates to offer in CT but that is not often the case any longer.
Aetna has moved their products into the best rate position in the last 5 months. They now have a better price point than Golden Rule, Anthem BCBS , Connecticare and Cigna. They have a number of products but the best price for the benefits seem to be in the Managed Care open Access plans (MC Open Access $1,500, $2,500 and $5,000) . The Managed Care Open Access value plans also have great pricing.
The Open Access series of plans are PPO, copay plans. They are not high deductible plans as they allow you to go to a primary Doctor or specialist for a copay. While they are very competitive with their high Deductible plan prices, they do not have the same price dominance as they do with the Open Access plans.
Anyone that currently has an insurance plan would be wise to apply for the Aetna plans to see if they can get an approval with a lower premium. Our website has links to the major companies that allows you to quote a plan and also apply from that same site. This is not a lead generation site. No one will call or email you if you quote and or apply on our site. CLICK HERE FOR QUOTES
It is most likely that Aetna will maintain this strong price point throughout 2013 in anticipation of the new Health reform plans that will be coming out.
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