Crowe & Associates

Medicare AEP Change For 2012

AEP “Annual Election Period” has changed for 2012.  The past AEP period to make plan changes was from November 15th to December 31st for a January 1 effective date.   This will change for 2012.  The AEP will now run from October 15th to December 7th for a January 1 effective date. 

This is an interesting change from the past AEP and it is assumed that it was done to help seniors avoid the Medicare crunch during the holidays.   There is no also and ADP “Annual Dis-enrollment Period” which runs from January 1 to February 14th.  This election period has taken the place of OEP and allows a Medicare recipient to move back to original medicare.   In other words, they can move to just Medicare A and B,  Medicare A and B with an Rx only or Medicare A and B with a supplement and an Rx plan.

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