Crowe & Associates

Medicare AEP 2023

Medicare AEP 2023

Medicare AEP 2023

Medicare AEP 2023

Medicare AEP 2023 (Annual Enrollment Period) is an important time of year for both Medicare beneficiaries and agents. During this time of year, beneficiaries can make changes to their Medicare coverage for the upcoming year. For agents, it is an opportunity to help clients choose a Medicare plan that fits their individual healthcare needs and budget.

There are many things agents can do to prepare for AEP:

Review the latest CMS guidelines

It’s essential for agents to stay updated with the latest guidelines from CMS during AEP. Agents should review all current information, including plan changes, cost sharing, and formulary updates. They can access this information either on the CMS website, the Medicare & You handbook, and other reliable sources.  This includes carrier websites once they release the new plan information.

Be Sure to get all your certifications done on time

One of the most important certifications each year is the annual AHIP certification.  The AHIP for the 2024 AEP will open on June 20th, 2023.  This test will be good for the rest of this year and in 2024.

You also need to complete product training and certifications for each carrier that you are contracted with so you are ready to sell on time and have a good understanding of the products that you are offering.

Reach out to clients

Agents should reach out to their clients before AEP to remind them about the upcoming enrollment period and to schedule appointments to go over their plan options for next year. Once AEP starts,  they can also provide their clients with educational resources to help them understand their options and make informed decisions.

Understand your clients’ healthcare needs

Agents must understand the healthcare needs and preferences of their clients to recommend the best plan for them. They can do this by asking their clients questions about their current healthcare coverage, medication needs, and healthcare providers. Agents can also review their clients’ medical history to ensure they choose a plan that meets their specific needs.

Identify plan options

Once you understand the clients’ healthcare needs, it is easier to find the plans that offer the best choices for each individual.  You should always consider the client’s budget, preferred doctors, and prescription medications when reviewing the available plans.  You can quickly compare the costs and benefits of different plans with the use of an online quoting and enrollment site such as; Sunfire or Connecture.  This will help clients make informed decisions by showing them a side-by-side plan comparison.

Stay organized

The AEP can be a busy time for agents, and staying organized is crucial to ensure you provide quality service to your clients. Agents can use tools such as calendars, spreadsheets, and customer relationship management (CRM) software to stay on top of appointments, deadlines, and client communications.

The Medicare AEP is an essential time for agents to maintain their book of business and be sure their clients are happy with their Medicare coverage for the next year.  It is also important that your clients feel they can contact you with any questions or problems they may with their Medicare coverage throughout the year.

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