Crowe & Associates

Life Insurance

Life Insurance

Life Insurance Information

Term Life Insurance Vs. Whole Life Insurance

Term Life Insurance: These policies are typically less expensive than whole life insurance policies because they offer temporary coverage for a select period of time. A term life insurance policy is perfect for someone who has short term financial goals to tend to, such as seeing their children graduate from a university. These policies do not accrue cash value or act as an investment tool.

Whole Life Insurance: These policies are a little more expensive than term life insurance policies because they offer lifelong coverage. A whole life insurance policy accrues cash value over the years, providing you with both a death benefit and cash savings advantages.

Fun Facts

  • Did you know that even though approximately 93 percent of Americans know they should have life insurance coverage, only about 50 percent actually have adequate coverage?
  • Many people searching for ways to avoid probate utilize life insurance to distribute an inheritance to their heirs because death benefits are probate-free.
  • Some life insurance policies allow you to take out a loan from your policy to finance essential expenses, such as home improvements or medical bills.


Q1) What type of policy should I buy?

The type of policy you buy will be dependent on your unique needs. We recommend using the “Term Life Insurance Vs. Whole Life Insurance” portion as a guideline, but a conversation discussing your specific insurable needs with an experienced and knowledgeable life insurance agent is a must.

Q2) Can my health affect my ability to obtain life insurance? Will it be more expensive?

Certain hobbies, habits, and medical conditions can make a life insurance policy more expensive since your likelihood of being involved in a fatal accident or incident is heightened. For example, if you are a scuba instructor, your life insurance policy will likely be more expensive due to the increased danger.

Q3) How can I make life insurance more affordable?

There are a variety of ways to make this essential coverage more affordable, including purchasing a policy early on in life, using term insurance and considering employer-sponsored group life insurance coverage.

Request a Custom Quote

Rather than going even another day without the coverage and peace of mind you deserve, allow the insurance experts at Crowe & Associates to help you protect your livelihood to the fullest. Simply fill out the “Custom Quote” form to the right to get started.

Understanding Life Insurance

Life insurance is one of the most important insurance policies an individual can obtain, especially if you have anyone depending on you financially. Whether you choose a term life insurance policy or a whole life insurance policy, this coverage ensures your loved ones are able to grieve in peace without having any financial burdens to worry about. Just like any other policy, it is important that you seek a customizable life insurance policy that reflects your unique insurable needs.


We stay up to date on the latest in Life Insurance and have excellent relationships with the providers, so we can get the best package for you.

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