Crowe & Associates

Health Reform Plan Questions and Answers Connecticut

Health Reform Plan Questions and Answers Connecticut

Health Reform Plan Questions and Answers Connecticut

Health Reform Plan Questions and Answers Connecticut

Here are some  Health Reform Plan Questions and Answers Connecticut.  These are some of the more common questions that we get on a daily basis.  The questions are regarding health reform plans in Connecticut.  If you have questions that are not on this list, need a quote or want to enroll, please feel free to either call us at 203-796-5403 or send an email to

Question:  What is the difference between Obama Care and the health exchange in Connecticut?

Answer:  They are the same.  Different names clients use to describe buying insurance through the exchange or also know as “Obama Care”.

Question: Can I get help paying for my premiums?

Answer:  Yes, if you purchase a plan through the exchange and meet the income requirements. You can not get help with your premiums off the exchange.

Question:  Can anyone get insurance through the exchange?

Answer:  Yes,  anyone can apply and get a plan.  Not everyone can get help with the premium however.  The exchange will base that decision on your annual income.

Question:  Are there are underwriting/health question on or off the exchange?

Answer:  No.  In fact, health questions are not allowed on or off the exchange.  You can not be denied for any health condition after January 1, 2014.

Question:  I applied for a health reform plan and then received a notice saying I was denied for Husky.  What does this mean?

Answer:  It is only applicable to you if you actually applied for Husky. If you applied for a standard health reform plan, the notice is not applicable to you and has nothing to do with your enrollment.

Question:  How do I know if my doctor participates in the health reform plan I want to enroll in?

Answer:  There is a doctor search function on the Access Health website.     CLICK HERE FOR THE SITE.      After you receive a quote, there will be a button to hit in order to check doctors for each plan.

Question:  Are the networks for the Exchange plans the same as the networks off the Exchange?

Answer: NO- they are different. Don’t assume you doctor is in the network just because he or she was in network on your old plan.

Question:  How do they determine how much I pay for coverage?

Answer:  The exchange will base the amount you pay on both your age and gender.  Although, the biggest influence on  your rate is the amount of subsidy you receive.  The Subsidy you receive is determined by the amount of income you enter when you get a quote.


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