Crowe & Associates

Does Medicare Cover Home Healthcare

Does Medicare cover home healthcare

Does Medicare cover home healthcare

Does Medicare Cover Home Healthcare

Does Medicare cover home healthcare; If you are getting ready to sign up for Medicare you might ask the question.  This can be a very important question to know the answer to.  As we all get older, we do not want to worry about what will happen to us if we become too ill to take care of ourselves.

Medicare will not pay for the following types of care:

Does Medicare cover home healthcare; Medicare will cover your home healthcare services if you meet all the criteria below:

  1. If your healthcare provider decides that you require in-home medical care and makes a plan for you to receive that care.
  1. There must also be a need for either skilled nursing care or  physical, occupational and or speech-language therapy.
  1. You employ a home health agency that is approved by Medicare.  The agency must be Medicare-certified.

4. It must be proven that you are unable to leave your home without help and a great amount of effort.  In other words you must be home-bound. You can still leave home occasionally  short,               periods of time for both medical and non-medical reasons.  If you use adult day care, you can still qualify for home health will cover the following types of home health care


Medicare will pay for the following medical care, when you meet all the requirements:

Part time skilled nursing care.  This means any service that only a licensed nurse can do safely.

If you require the services of a part time home health aide for personal care such as bathing, dressing or using the bathroom.  These services include things that do not need to be done by a licensed nurse.  Medicare will not pay for the home health aide unless you also require therapy or other nursing care.  These services must be a part of your at home treatment plan for your current health condition.

Physical, occupational or speech therapy for any amount of time the doctor recommends.

In order for Medicare to pay for any therapy, they should be prescribed in order for you to regain your quality of life as it was before the on set of your current health condition.

Medicare will also pay for approved, necessary medical supplies such as wound coverings ect.   It does not include either prescription drugs or biological therapy.

Durable medical equipment such as canes, walkers or wheelchairs are also covered by Medicare.

FDA approved injected osteoporosis drugs are also paid for by Medicare when deemed necessary in certain situations.

Please remember; although your health care provider helps with the arrangement for Medicare covered home health care, the final word is yours as to which agency you use.

If you need help choosing the best Medicare plan for yourself, please contact us.  You can reach us either by phone (203)796-5403 or email

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