Medico Sales Contracting
Medico Sales Contracting is available through Crowe and Associates via electronic contracting. We are able to offer Medico Sales Contracting at street level and agency level (GA). Medico offers a number of competitive products in many states. Products include not only dental, cancer, final expense, vision, hospital indemnity but also Medicare supplement plans. They are competitive with Medicare Supplement plans F, N and high deductible F in a number of states. Medico offers a unique discount on Medicare Supplements. Clients receive a 7% discount if they have someone else in the household that is 18 or older. They do not need to apply for coverage. But in fact, must simply live in the house for the covered member to get the 7% discount.
Crowe and Associates offers free lead programs (commission is not reduced) and calling lists at no cost to agents. In addition, we provide access to an online quote system for Medicare, LTC, Life, Final expense and annuities. We also provide electronic contracting, training on how to build an agency and a number of other programs. We provide training on a number of topics such as sub agent recruiting, working online and mail responder leads and best practices to run a successful Medicare sales seminar.
Click Here For Medico Contracting
(Link will take you to a company blog page. from that page, you can download the contracting package. Once completed you will be able to select Medico as a company to contract with along with hundreds of other carriers)
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