Crowe & Associates

Aetna Medicare Connecticut

Aetna Healthcare offers 3 Medicare Advantage plans in Connecticut. The plans are not available in every Connecticut county however as they only have the plan in Fairfield, New Haven, Litchfield, and Hartford county. Aetna also does not offer Medicare supplement plans in CT.

The most noteworthy Aetna Medicare Advantage plan in the $0 annual premium Aetna Basic plan. The plan is along the lines of its competitors such as United, Anthem and Connecticare. The plan also has a true national network which makes it stand out a bit from the others which do not. (United uses their Passport program but that has its problems)

The Most beneficial of all benefits on the Aetna plan is the part B copay of $50 for any part B drug. This is a huge benefit over all other MAPD plans in Ct as they are at a 20% cost share. A part B drug is a drug which is administered to the patient by the doctors or medical facility. To be a part B drug, the drug must also be provided by the facility or doctor. If the member picks up the drug at the Pharmacy, it will be a part D drug which is a different situation.

The other 2 Aetna offerings are nothing special. The premium HMO plan does not offer benefits that are strong enough to justify the premium and the PPO does not have adequate out of network benefits to be considered a strong out of network plan.

For a review of the Aetna 2013 benefits Aetna Medicare Plans 2013

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